Thursday, 26 September 2013

The Feet Trails | How to : PediCure |

And finally we are here with another Vlog! And nah! this ain't any regular review. This is kind of a tutorial video for your feet! A simple yet effective pedicure, that one can do at his/her own comfort zone! Now, you don't expect me to explain the benefits and importance of a good pedicure, do you? ;) 
Show your feet some love, they will love you back more for that!! :)

Love N Luck

Friday, 5 July 2013

Thalgo Product Review

Hello my lovely people! 

I'm really really excited about this post as its my first video! Well, cant say first video as such but yup! My first Vlog :D
So don't you want to know whats it about? Hop on and click the play button below ! 
And hey hey! Don't hesitate to leave behind your honest comments! ;)

Happy watching !!

The products featured have been sent by They have a wide range of products. Do pay them a visit!!

Love N Luck